If you do not have anything nice to say, do not say anything at all. Please, there are many people who suffer from this very disorder, including myself. This trait and post most likely will follow the trend and get me hate & threats. 💜I wanted to upload preview images but something told me I should advise against it. Self-harm Cutter CC - Uploading due to Missing Links/Posts - I Will Remove the file if Asked.Don't let that stop you from making new friends and learning something new. It's time to put aside one's differences and treat one another with the same care and concern we would want for ourselves. March 1st - National Self-Injury/Self-Harm Awareness Day.September - National Suicide Prevention Month, Week, Day.May - National Mental Health Awareness Month.DSM-5 or Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.Increased Skill gains in the following: Guitar, Painting, Writing, Piano, Violin, Singing, & Photography.Autonomy from the following Traits: Sad, Lazy, Uncontrolled Emotions, & Angry.A +2 Sad Moodlet from "Browsing the Web".2 Occasional Loot Moodlets: A +5 Feeling Happy Moodlet & A +1 Self-Harm Moodlet lasting 3 days.2 Social Interactions with Mulitple Moodlet Reactions.To Raise Awareness of Mental Health & Mental Health Issues.

What does it do you ask? That's a great question. Lifestyle Personality Trait: Suicidal Behavior Disorder Mental health and Suicide are part of life, but why aren't they in the sims? What if I told you they could be? So I bring you. This trait will add an extremely realistic & dark element to your game.