Type the command according to your bot’s syntax.To download a profile picture using bots, try these steps: If you don’t have any of these, you can check your bot’s command list and see if similar commands are available.

Here are some bots that you’ll want to use: This code will display user profile pictures in a message where you can download them onto your device. Several popular Discord bots have an “avatar” command. This will allow for a more accessible file. If the image isn’t in PNG or JPG format, you can edit the file extension when saving the image. This action will make the image larger, though it tends to become blurry. You can increase the image size at the end of the URL by bumping up the numerical value at the end. There are several tricks using the Inspect Element window for saving images.

Now, you have another user’s profile picture.Right-click on the image and select Save image as….Wait for the profile picture to appear.Click on the URL or copy and paste it into another tab.You’ll see a URL to the profile picture.Keep clicking on arrows in this order: svg, foreignObject, div, and finally img.Behind div is an arrow you need to click.Now, you’ll see some code being highlighted.Press Ctrl + Shift + C to bring up the Element Selector or click the icon at the top left of the Inspect Element window.Press Ctrl + Shift + I to open the Inspect Element window on the right side.Right-click a user and view their Profile.Buckle up for a ride, as you’ll be working through code you may not understand.